Global Witness
Japanese companies buying tropical timber linked to illegal logging, human rights abuses and rainforests destruction in Malaysia.
Forests in Sarawak, Malaysia have nearly been wiped out by one ruling family. Find out more about our undercover investigation into the country's timber trade.
Could an international anti-corruption court tackle cases of grand corruption? Nick Donovan argues that the 1MDB scandal is the ideal test case.
Jho Low, one of the main accused conspirators in the 1MDB scandal, used the client accounts of two major U.S. law firms to move hundreds of millions of dollars into the United States.
How Japan’s voluntary approach is failing to stop the trade in illegal timber
本文须严格保密,直至格林威治时间2013年3月19日(星期二)上午三点 镜头下的砂拉越统治阶层:揭开马来西亚腐败的面纱 English version 全球见证今天发布的最新调查结果,揭露了马来西亚最大的州——砂拉越政府深入体制内的腐败和非法行径。这部纪录片首次披露了统治该州的泰益家族及其律师用以避开马来西亚法律和税收的手段,以及他们如何践踏原住民利益,攫取巨额财富,并将其不义之财藏匿于新加坡。 经过数十年工业采伐和种植园开发,砂拉越的森林数量只剩下原来的百分之五,但目前其热带原木出口量仍然比南美和非洲加起来都要多。砂拉越的首席部长泰益玛目统治该州已长达三十年,控制着土地分配和林业许可证的发放大权,他滥用该权力为其家族和同党谋利已人尽皆知。
Naturalist and comedian Bill Oddie has been filmed being evicted from HSBC’s London headquarters while protesting against the bank’s business ties to companies that are illegally destroying rainforests and abusing human rights in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo.
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