Other ways to give


There are several other ways you can support our work, in addition to making individual donations and legacy gifts.

Donate through your DAF or IRA

We accept gifts through Donor Advised Funds to Global Witness Foundation in the US (EIN # 94-3399599) or the Global Witness Trust in the UK (charity #1117844, registered in England & Wales).

For participating Donor Advised Fund administrators, you can easily recommend a gift via DAFdirect (or alternative embedded widget) and follow the prompts.

Gifts through your retirement plan

If you are a resident in the US, donors can name Global Witness Foundation as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k) or other qualified retirement plan.

Gifts through Qualified Charitable Distributions

If you are 70 ½ years of age or older, you may donate up to $100,000 total to one or more charities directly from your IRA in the US. Because the money never passes through your hands as the IRA holder, it does not count as an increase in your taxable income – avoiding the risk of pushing you into a higher tax bracket.

For a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) to count towards your minimum annual IRA distribution, it must be made by the same deadline as your required minimum distribution, which is usually 31 December of that year.

Distribution checks can be made payable to Global Witness Foundation at:

Global Witness
c/o WeWork
700 K Street NW, STE 300
Washington, DC 20001

Donate by cheque

In the US, please make cheques out to Global Witness Foundation at:

Global Witness
c/o WeWork
700 K Street NW, STE 300
Washington, DC 20001

In the UK, please make cheques out to Global Witness Trust at:

Global Witness
The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London, E2 9DA

Get in touch

To discuss any opportunities, please contact us using our online form or email [email protected].

Global Witness has a 4-star rating on Charity Navigator and a Platinum Seal of Transparency on Candid.