[23/09/2024, Mountain View, California, US] – A new Global Witness investigation found Google’s billion-dollar advertising business is financing and earning money from articles published by The Epoch Times, including ones that promote climate denial.

We believe this constitutes a breach of Google’s own publisher policies which do not allow advertisements to run on websites publishing “unreliable and harmful claims” that “contradict authoritative scientific consensus on climate change.”  

We estimate that over the past 12 months alone the advertisements have generated approximately $960,000 for The Epoch Times and $450,000 for Google. 

Guy Porter, Senior Investigator – Climate Disinformation at Global Witness, said: 

“Google’s dominance over the global AdTech business paired with localised regulatory action, means that advertisers are left with little choice but to trust in Google’s adherence to its own policies.  

“Our investigation points to a desperate need for a rewiring of the global AdTech market. The apparent breaches we documented show the interconnections between climate denial and digital advertising - and how Google links the two. These practices are sowing public distrust in climate action and threatening our ability to reach a much-needed consensus on the biggest challenge facing humanity today.”  

Our evidence confirms the direct commercial relationship between the two parties. This investigation documents Google-supplied advertisements on articles that promote climate denial running on The Epoch Times’ Spanish, Brazilian and global English-language websites. These articles promote claims including:

  • There is substantial evidence casting doubt on man-made global warming,
  • Human CO2 emissions only make a small contribution to climate change, 
  • Climate science is based on faulty temperature data. 

We invited Google and The Epoch Times to comment on our findings: Google declined to comment, and The Epoch Times did not respond.