In response to the news that the National League for Democracy has won the 2020 Myanmar general election, Paul Donowitz, Campaign Leader at Global Witness, said:

“After more than four years in office, the National League for Democracy government has failed to meaningfully tackle corruption and conflict in Myanmar. The country remains ravaged by violence and the economy is still dominated by military interests, including the lucrative natural resource sector – most importantly, the multibillion dollar jade trade. The Tamadaw’s economic power helps sustain their political influence and fund their campaigns of violence against the Rohingya and other ethnic minorities.

The NLD must use its renewed mandate from this election win as an opportunity to tackle the financial drivers of conflict, clean up the corrupt jade trade and place natural resource governance at the heart of the peace process. Equally important, the NLD must ensure legitimate representation in those areas where the vote was cancelled and pursue meaningful decentralisation that shares power with state and regional governments.”