Press release | Jan. 11, 2019

Global Witness response to Myanmar Reuters journalists appeal verdict

Global Witness condemns today’s decisions by Myanmar’s Yangon high court to reject the appeal of two Reuters journalists. The court has upheld the guilty verdict and lengthy prison sentence handed down to Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo last year for allegedly violating the Official Secrets Act while investigating an army massacre of Rohingya in Rakhine State.

“We are appalled that these brave journalists continue to be imprisoned simply for doing their jobs. This is part of an ongoing effort by those in power in Myanmar to silence voices who investigate or criticise human rights abuses in the country in order to shield the military from accountability,” said Paul Donowitz, Campaign Leader for Myanmar at Global Witness. 

“The original verdict was a pre-determined outcome to a sham trial and today’s appeal rejection a further sign of the crackdown on press freedom and closure of civic space in Myanmar,” Donowitz continued.

“We once again call for the National League for Democracy government to immediately issue an unconditional pardon for Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo,”  added Donowitz.



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