Press Releases
Five years on: diamond trade still at risk from conflict diamonds The international diamond certification scheme is still having difficulty stopping conflict diamonds from entering the legitimate trade07 June 2005
Progress and Setbacks at Kimberley Process Plenary Civil Society organizations present at the 2004 Kimberley Process Plenary meeting are very disappointed at the lack of action to improve the collection and analysis of rough diamond production and trade statistics29 October 2004
Violence erupts in mineral rich Katanga…yet the international community Global Witness is greatly concerned by last week’s violence in Katanga Province, Southeastern DRC20 October 2004
Global Witness questions 9/11 commission regarding diamonds GLOBAL WITNESS QUESTIONS 9/11 COMMISSION REGARDING DIAMONDS17 June 2004
Global Witness Calls on the European Commission and Member States to Adopt a Strong Regulation to Combat Trade in Conflict Diamonds Global Witness is calling for the European Commission (EC) and its 15 Member States to adopt a tough regulation to combat the trade in conflict diamonds.20 November 2002
Publish what you pay Press release George Soros and NGOs call for rules to require corporations to disclose payments13 June 2002
New UN Resolution on Liberia fails to address conflict financing The UN Security Council’s renewal of sanctions against the government of Liberia fails to address the clear threat that the Liberian timber industry poses to regional peace and security in western Africa. This comes after the UN’s own Expert Panel reports[i] and Global Witness’ investigations[ii] provided clear evidence of the links between Liberian logging companies and illegal arms imports, diamond smuggling and gross human rights abuses10 May 2002
NGOs fear Conflict Diamond Process may fail, industrialized countries pick and choose on terrorism Industrialized countries have two standards where terrorism is concerned: one for themselves, and another for Africa. That is the concern of NGOs that have been participating in the inter-governmental ‘Kimberley Process.30 November 2001
Is the price of diamonds too high? How Angola’s return to war has been funded by the international diamond trade Global Witness's report, ‘A Rough Trade’ uncovers the role of diamonds in funding the continuing civil war in Angola14 December 1998