All the Presidents’ Men


The devastating story of oil and banking in Angola’s privatised war

‘All the Presidents’ Men’ is the product of two years of investigations, and provides an update on the campaign for full transparency in the oil and banking sector. It continues an exposé, which started with December 1999's 'A Crude Awakening', into the mechanisms of wholesale state robbery in Angola.

Global Witness’ new report ‘All the Presidents’ Men’ links two issues: economic and political disorder from the war has been exploited to loot the Angolan state through kickbacks on arms trafficking and a highly over-priced military procurement process. Lasting peace will be founded on addressing this problem through transparent management of Angola’s natural resources.

The report reveals how a network of international leaders, bagmen and influence peddlers – ‘the Presidents and their Men’ - have presided over a system that has led to the embezzlement of Angola’s oil wealth.

The report also examines links between this process and the ‘Angolagate’ arms-to-Angola scandal, uncovered in France at the end of 2000.
