Meet Bernard Looney: BP’s top 0.01% gets a OilyFans billboard


BP are making record profits, as the rest of us struggle with a cost of living crisis. That's something we really aren't fans of. So, we launched OilyFans, a satirical billboard campaign across London.

OilyFans Billboard Image in Lambeth
Meet BP's Bernard Looney: OilyFans billboard erected in Lambeth. Luciana Dal Ri / Global Witness

A riff on the controversial OnlyFans billboards, the ‘OilyFans’ billboard aims to highlight inequality at the heart of our energy system – one which sees oil and gas CEOs rake in millions during a cost-of-living crisis sparked by eyewatering energy bills.

The stunt comes at a crucial time. With just days left before BP announces its Q2 profits, our intention is not just to draw attention to the economic inequalities caused by the fossil fuel industry but to kickstart a conversation.

We want a dialogue about the discrepancies in wealth, the environmental impact of fossil fuel extraction and consumption, and the power wielded by a few individuals at the top.

OilyFans Billboard of BP CEO Bernard Looney in Central London
OilyFans Billboard of BP CEO Bernard Looney in Central London. Luciana Dal Ri / Global Witness

BP exposed

Earlier this year, we learnt that BP made record profits in 2022, off the back of British suffering. 

To put it into context:

  • BP said in its annual report that CEO Bernard Looney was paid a total of 10 million pounds ($12 million) in 2022, up from £4.5 million the previous year.
  • BP made a profit of $27.7 billion in 2022.
  • BP scaled back an earlier goal of lowering its emissions by 35% by 2030, saying it will aim for a 20 to 30% cut instead.

Meanwhile, it’s a very different story for the rest of us:

  • Last winter, on average, 45 people died every single day as a result of living in a cold home in England and Wales.
  • Fuel poverty in England is rising and is projected to reach 3.5 million households in 2023.

This month-long stunt hopes to create a space for discourse among Londoners and the global community, to question the very nature of a global energy system that can enrich a few whilst putting millions into poverty – all whilst destroying the planet.

OilyFans Billboard of BP CEO Bernard Looney in Tottenham, London
OilyFans Billboard of BP CEO Bernard Looney in Tottenham, London. Luciana Dal Ri / Global Witness
OilyFans Billboard of BP CEO Bernard Looney in Central London by Trafalgar Square
OilyFans Billboard of BP CEO Bernard Looney in Central London by Trafalgar Square. Luciana Dal Ri / Global Witness
BP Boss Bernard Looney CEO outside Downing Street
BP Boss Bernard Looney CEO outside Downing Street. Luciana Dal Ri / Global Witness
