A Crude Awakening


The role of the oil and banking industries in Angola’s civil war and the plunder of state assets.

Angola is sub-Saharan Africa’s second largest oil producer after Nigeria, with recent discoveries suggesting it could soon become the largest; this at a time when the 1999 UN Human Development Index (HDI) places Angola at 160 out of 174 countries, according to social indicators.

Whilst Angola should be a country with a thriving economy, instead it is a country still at war, where a massive proportion of national wealth is unaccounted for, and where the well-being of the population appears no-longer to be a matter of priority for Government.

Global Witness’ today launched a campaign to put pressure on multinational corporations for the way in which they operate in countries that are in or emerging from conflict.

Focusing on Angola, the report: ‘A Crude Awakening: The Role of the Oil and Banking Industries in Angola’s Civil War and the Plunder of State Assets, details the full extent of how Angola’s long suffering population are being systematically abused in favour of corporate profits and personal gain.

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