

You can see our archive of past campaigns or all countries and regions we have worked on. 

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    Irresponsible businesses including financial institutions are driving the destruction of climate-critical tropical forests, and the communities and biodiversity that rely on them.
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    Land and environmental defenders

    Land and environmental defenders play a crucial role in protecting their land - and our climate - against destructive business practices.
    Land and environmental defenders.jpg
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    Fossil fuels

    We are standing up to the fossil fuel industry to expose their political influence over decision-making, to break those ties, and ensure governments transition to genuinely renewable sources of energy.
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    Holding corporates to account

    We are campaigning for a global legal framework to hold companies and those who finance them to account for their impacts on people and planet.
    Sebastien Thibault - Corporate accountability illustration
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    Big polluters have spent decades denying climate change. Now, they’re using greenwashing and other tactics to promote false solutions to the climate crisis that distract and delay.
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    Digital threats

    Big tech and social media platforms depend on a business model where profit is made from stoking up anger and fear. Despite the serious consequences, companies are subject to little scrutiny
    Digital Threats Sebastien illustration
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    Transition minerals

    The need to phase-out fossil fuels has seen a rise in the demand for minerals that are critical to the energy transition. But mining is a dirty business, with a long legacy of exploitation, human rights abuses and environmental damage. We’re campaigning to make the companies extracting and processing transition minerals put people and the planet before profit.
    Artisianal miners in Manono DRC 2023